Smart Boons

Stallion now stands for $2,500.00 ~ (Standing Fee: $1,850.00 / Chute Fee: $650). Transported semen is available. Your additional chute fee for this service will be $650 (which does include the first shipment of semen). Mare care, veterinary expenses, and transported semen fees (after the first shipment) will be additional. The breed of the mare is to be a registered Paint or Quarter Horse.

Smart Boons

Gallop offers you a breeding to Million Dollar Sire, Smart Boons. He is a beautiful red roan stallion with enormous talent, heart, and determination. He has a remarkably quiet disposition and a kind eye. He has outstanding conformation, an impeccable pedigree, and a natural style, but his biggest asset is his mind. To know him is to love him! The NRHA Hall of Fame Sires; and NRHA Two Million Dollar Sire, Peptoboonsmal. His dam is an of an own daughter of Smart Little Lena, Smart Little Easter, an All-Time Leading Reined Cow Horse Dam with offspring earnings of $698,702. Smart Boons is the earner of $192,772 & 48.5 AQHA points: 2009 NRCHA Open Derby Champion; 2010 NRCHA Open Derby Reserve Champion; 2012 NSHA RCH World's Richest Stock Horse Open Champion; 2012 NRCHA Magnificent 7 Open Champion; 4th, 2012 NRCHA Derby Open Bridle Spectacular; 3rd, NRCHA Open Stakes; 2010 NSHA Stock Horse Open Classic Champion; 3rd, 2011 NRCHA Derby Open Bridle Spectacular; 5th, 2008 NRCHA Intermediate Open Futurity; split 6th, 2010 NRCHA Open Hackamore Classic; 2010 NRCHA Futurity Open Hackamore Reserve Champion; Top 10, 2009 & 2010 AQHA World Show Junior Working Cow Horse; Top 10, 2009 & 2011 AQHA High Point Junior & Senior Working Cow Horse; Open Performance ROM. Smart Boons is a 2018 AQHA Top-Ten Sire of RCH Point-Earners and a 2019 RGP Top 25 Sire of RCH Money-Earners.

As of December 2024, Smart Boons has sired (203) AQHA offspring with total earnings of $1,050,497. His number of Money-Earners: (74), Average Earnings per money-earner: $14,195.91 total AQHA Points earned: (1,928), the number of AQHA Point-Earners: (36), average AQHA Points Earned per Point-Earner: (54), total AQHA Superior Awards earned: (8), total AQHA ROM awards earned: (22), AQHA World Champions: (3), AQHA Reserve World Champions: (2), AQHA World Championships: (5), and (5) AQHA Reserve World Championship. His foal earnings event breakdown is as follows: Reined Cow Horse: $843,752.62; Roping (All): $174,153.39; Ranch: $14,681.38; AQHA Incentive Fund: $6,676.85; Cutting: $5,963.91; Reining: $5,227.85 and Halter: $42.00. Those point-earners include SIPPIN BOONS FARM ( $113,340: 183 AQHA Points, 0.5 Halter, 182.5 performance, and (23) level 1 Amateur/Youth points in Working Cow Horse, WCH Boxing, Heading, Heeling, Cutting, Reining, and Halter), MALIBLU BARBIE $31,799: NRCHA Celebration of Champions Open Derby Reserve Champion), LOOKSLIKELUCKTOME ($117,629 and 48.5 AQHA points: 5th AQHA High Point Working Cow Horse Open Mare), DT SMART SERGIO ($39,825 and 198.5 AQHA points: 4th, AQHA High Point Junior Heeling Level 2 Open, Superior Heading), SPARKS ON THE FENCE ($84,478 and 224.5 AQHA points: NRCHA World Limited Non-Pro Reserve Champion), and the list goes on. Smart Boons is tested Five-Panel Genetic N/N and IMM N/N. His foals are eligible for the NRCHA Stakes, NRHA Sire & Dam, Royal Crown Stallion Incentive - Roping Futurity, and Riata Buckle.

Normally Stands For: $2,500.00
Chute Fee: $650.00
Chute Fee Note: Includes 1st Shipment
Chute Fee Note: Includes 1st Shipment
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