Gallop is blessed with another great stallion joining the ranks to help RMHC families with their children in a hospital receiving medical care. Original Cowboy is the 2010 seal brown APHA/AQHA multiple World Champion Sire. Louie (as he is called) was shown only twice as a Three-Year-Old in Western Pleasure, earning almost $10,000. Both his sire and dam themselves are World Championship earners. He is sire by one of the industry's leading sires, Lazy Loper, and out of a multiple World Champion mare, Good Tobe An Asset (Investment Asset X Dee Dee Did). Original Cowboy has the noteworthy distinction of being the youngest stallion on the American Paint Horse Association's All-Time Leading Sires Top 10 List (in both performance and halter events). He is double-registered with AQHA and APHA and has proven his ability to cross on mares, specializing in many disciplines. He is a well-rounded stallion that delivers the entire package. Currently, Original Cowboy is the APHA's #1 US Halter Class Winning Sire, #1 International Halter Class Winning Sire, #2 US Point Earning Halter Sire, #1 International Point Earning Halter Sire, #3 US Performance Class Winning Sire, #1 International Performance Class Winning Sire, #3 US Point Earning Performance Sire, and #1 International Point Earning Performance Sire!
Louie has proven himself as a sire of the specialties with over 100 World/Reserve World Champion offspring titles and a top all-around sire leading the charts. Not only is he slow-legged and great-hocked, but he's also putting a great mind on his babies. Such is true of JERRY JONESZ , (AQHA Open Level 2 Junior Hunter Under Saddle - 2nd Place, Open Level 2 Hunter Under Saddle Horse 2nd Place, Open Performance ROM); THIS MIDNIGHT COWBOY (AQHA Open Superior Trail Horse, Open Superior Green Trail, Youth Halter, Open Performance, and Youth Performance Register Of Merit); COWBOYZ R HOT, (AQHA Open & Armature Qualified for Two-Year-Old Geldings, Open Two-Year-Old Halter L2, Two-Year-Old Halter Select World Show, Open & Amateur Halter Register Of Merit, Open Halter Register of Merit); ZIPPOS ORIGINAL CHEX, (AQHA Amateur Qualified Select World Show Two-Year-Old Mares); THE VINTAGE COWBOY, (AQHA Open qualified Junior Western Pleasure - Level 2, Open Performance Register Of Merit), and take note... these offspring mentioned are only a few that are AQHA recognized accomplishments! There are still APHA titles won by such offspring as ORIGINAL HOTTIE, PLATINUM COWGIRL, A SINSATIONAL COWGIRL, OH SO ORIGINAL, BEYOND ORIGINAL, and the list continues.
The versatility that Original Cowboy is throwing in his foals is excellent. He has proved that he is the up-and-coming stallion for producing All-Around horses. Original Cowboy is 7-panel negative, Homozygous Black (EE), Heterozygous Agouti (Aa), and carries both Sabino and W32. If you are looking for talent, conformation, and a sound mind, look no further... there is nothing like an Original!
Stallion Standing Location:
Colorado State University Equine Reproduction Lab.
Location: Fort Collins, CO
Dakota Cotner