DGS TheEntertainer

Stallion now stands for $1,150.00 ($800 Standing Fee, $350 Chute Fee). Transported cooled semen is available. Your additional chute fee for this service will be $350. Mare care, veterinary expenses, and transported semen fees will be additional. The breed of the mare is to be a registered Paint, Pinto, Thoroughbred, or Quarter Horse.

DGS TheEntertainer

DGS TheEntertainer offers double the fun! With his AQHA and APHA full registry, his foals are eligible for registration under both associations. In limited showings, he has already been exhibiting success in the showpen. In 2019, DGS TheEntertainer achievements included: 2019 APHA World and NSBA World Show Two-Time Top-Ten Hunter Under Saddle, 2018 Pinto Horse of the Year, 1st in Open Hunter Type Stallion, Pinto Reserve World Champion in Hunter Stallions, APHA Four-Time Reserve Grand Champion Halter Stallion. He holds APHA points in Hunter Under Saddle, Green Hunter Under Saddle, Halter Stallions, and AQHA Points in Green Hunter Under Saddle.

DGS TheEntertainer is by Five-Time World Champion Sire, HBF Iron Man, boasting incredible genetics. He is out of DGS Indycredible, by World Champion Indian Artifacts. His grand dam, Krymsun Hot Invite, is a full sister to One Hot Krymsun and Repeated in Red, holding 200+ pleasure points, as well as a Congress Reserve Championship and an AQHA World Show Top-Ten. This young stallion is exciting on so many levels! A proven combination, his full brother is DGS Pumping Iron, an APHA World Show Top-Ten Western Pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle horse who is additionally a Color Congress Champion and has appeared on a cover of the Paint Horse Journal.

Let DGS The Entertainer add height, a willing temperament, and contemporary movement to your breeding program. Foals are eligible for the NSBA Stallion Incentive Fund, the NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity (Open and Color Divisions), the APHA Breeders Trust, and many State Futurity Programs. He is AQHA 6 Panel N/N and carries one copy of LWO; mares must be tested negative. Let DGS TheEntertainer add height, a willing temperament, and contemporary movement to your breeding program.

Normally Stands For: $1,150.00
Chute Fee: $350.00

DeGraff Stable ~ Robin DeGraff

Standing At
DeGraff Stable Inc.

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