Metallic Malice

Stallion now stands for $3,000.00 ~ transported semen is available. Additional chute fee: $600 (which does include the first FedEx shipment of semen). Mare care, veterinary expenses, and/or transported semen fees (after the 1st shipment) will be additional. The breed of mare is to be a registered Paint, Thoroughbred, or Quarter Horse.

Metallic Malice

This noted, athletic, sought-after breeding stallion, Metallic Malice, is a 15HH, double registered AQHA/APHA bay homozygous roan stallion by the legendary stallion, Metallic Cat, and out of High Boon, a $100,000+ producing daughter of Mecom Blue! This stallion offers some of the industry's hottest cutting and cowhorse genetics, sporting size, a gorgeous head and neck, good bone, color, and a mindset that sets him apart.

Metallic Malice's accomplishments include: 2018 NRCHA Hackamore Classic Novice Horse Open Champion; finalist NRCHA Open Hackamore Classic; finalist AQHA World Performance Halter Stallions; NRCHA Hackamore Classic Fence Work Novice Horse Open Champion; NRCHA Hackamore Classic Herd Work Novice Horse Open Champion; finalist AQHA World Junior Cutting; AQHA High Point Junior Performance Halter Stallion Leader; AQHA High Point Working Cow Horse Stallion Leader; AQHA World Junior Heading qualifier; AQHA World Junior Heeling qualifier; AQHA World Junior Working Cow Horse qualifier; AQHA World Junior Cutting Level 2 qualifier; AQHA World Junior Heading Level 2 qualifier; AQHA World Junior Heeling Level 2 qualifier; AQHA World Junior Working Cow Horse Level 2 qualifier; in 2019: 7th AQHA World Senior Heading Level 2 Open; finalist AQHA World Senior Working Cow Horse Open; in 2020: AQHA World Senior Heading qualifier twice; AQHA World Senior Heeling qualifier twice; AQHA World Senior Working Cow Horse qualifier twice; AQHA World Senior Heading Level 2 qualifier twice; in AQHA competition: Superior Heeling twice; Open Performance ROM, earning (51.5) Heeling - Level 3, (43.5) Heading - Level 3, (13.5 ) Working Cowhorse - Level 3, (4 ) Cutting - Level 3, (2 ) Halter - Level 3, and points in open events. Metallic Malice is the earner of $8,000+ in NCHA, NRCHA, and 114.5 AQHA Points.

Metallic Malice's foal arrived in 2019. They follow in their sire’s footsteps, accumulating points and wins in competitive performance disciplines in the showpen. Such notables are METALLIC REMODEL, $47,100; Smart Malice, $27,705; MIGHTY METAL, $26,148; METALLIC LEE HOT, $22,160; IC METALLIC HEAVEN, $11,268; METALLIC HOTRODDER, $8,249; METALLIC BLUE GENES, $6,931; SPICY METALLIC, $6,762; HIGH CLASS MALICE, $4,800 and the list goes on.

Enrolled in the Pink Buckle, Ruby Buckle, Future Fortunes, Breeders Challenge, Colorado Classic, Triple Crown, Royal Crown, and NRCHA Stallion Stakes, Metallic Malice is a household name in the Cow, Rope, and Barrel horse industries. Not just one of those disciplines but all of them allow you multiple options for a successful future for yourself and your resulting foal! Metallic Malice is N/N for the Genetic 5-Panel. Booked full for the breeding season of 2018 through 2024, Gallop feels blessed to offer you an opportunity for a 2025 breeding service.

Normally Stands For: $3,000.00
Chute Fee: $600.00

70 Ranch Performance Horses

Standing At
70 Ranch Performance Horses

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